It’s a Big Deal!
So many things seem like a BIG DEAL: buying clothes, food trends for healthfulness and coolness, what’s trending online, your personal problems, what someone else has said, the political landscape, an Instagram post, avocado toast. This list could go on and on. What’s a big deal to someone might be nothing to another. It’s a Big Deal! questions the way modern society values, interprets, and roasts or embraces these ideas. How do these big deals affect us, and the way we interact with others? Is the way we measure “bigness” different than it used to be? Does it mutate as time goes on? From popular trends in health and wellness to the big deals of life like death and work, love and politics, and into the extinct megafauna that used to walk this earth, this book looks at the ways we interpret those things. This collection is wry, sensitive, bitchy, and honest. With a unique voice that holds humour and heart, the poems reflect the ever-changing big deals we encounter in the world.